Teaching Staff

dummy-pict Prof. Dr. Drs. Eko Haryono, M.Si. | e.haryono@ugm.ac.id
Trained in physical geography and environmental science. Since 2000, experience on karst geomorphology, hydrogeology, and landscape ecology. Have been involved in many research projects on karst geomorphology, karst hydrogeology, management of karst water resources, carbon cycle within landscape scale, and geo-archeology, i.e. morpho-chronology and hydrogeology of several karst areas in Indonesia (Karangbolong, Gunungsewu, Blambangan Peninsula, Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat, Rajaampat-Misool, Langkat, Baturaja, Pidie, Loknga, Banggai Kepulauan, Bima, NTT. Actively involved in international collaboration and organizations, i.e. former president of Asian Union of Speleology (2015-2019). Chairman of Karst Commission-International Geographical Union (2020-2024), International Union of Geological Sciences (as a UNESCO Global Geopark Reviewer, International Research Centre on Karst-China (as a trainer-Research collaborations).. Involved in editorial board and reviewer some reputable international journal, i.e. Indonesian Journal of Geography (chief editor), Journal of the Geographical institute ‘Jovan Cvijic’ SASA (editorial board).
Expertises Karst Geomorphology | Karst Hydrogeology | Landscape Ecology
dummy-pict Prof. Dr. Ig.L.Setyawan Purnama, M.Si. | Setyapurna@geo.ugm.ac.id
Prof. Ig. L. Setyawan Purnama has been a professor in hydrology at the Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, UGM, since 2014. He received the S.Si. (B.Sc.) in Hydrology from UGM in 1990, the M.Si. (M.Sc.) degree from the Study Program of Environmental and Natural Resource Management Sciences at the Graduate School of the IPB University in 1996, and the Dr. degree from the same study program and university in 2004. At the moment, Prof. Purnama is teaching undergraduate students (S1) at the Department of Environmental Geography and graduate students (S2 and S3) at two study programs, Geography and Environmental Science, UGM. In addition to teaching, he is actively conducting research and contributing to the scientific development of hydrology. Many of his works are published in national and international journals and proceedin.
Expertises Hydrology | Environmental Science
dummy-pict Dr. Rika Harini, S.Si., M.P | rikaharini@ugm.ac.id
Rika Harini is a lecturer at the Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, for the undergraduate program in Environmental Geography (S1) and master’s degree (S2) and doctorate (S3) programs in Geography, Environmental Science, and Population Science. Many of her scientific contributions and community services involve government organizations at the regional and provincial levels, private parties, and NGOs, and these works are published in books, proceedings, and journals with national and international acknowledgments. Some of her books are Kompetensi Dasar Olimpiade Nasional Geografi (Basic competencies of the National Geography Olympiad); Modal Sosial dan Strategi Adaptasi Masyarakat Menghadapi Bencana Pesisir di Wilayah Pesisir Jawa (Social capital and community adaptation strategies to tackle coastal disasters on Java); Tinjauan Spasial Optimasi Produksi Pertanian Pada Wilayah Perbatasan (Spatial review of agricultural production optimization in border areas); Valuasi Ekonomi di Kawasan Geopark: Sebuah Kajian Untuk Mitigasi Bencana Lingkungan (Economic valuation of geopark areas: An environmental disaster mitigation study). Dr. Harini is the main author of many journal articles and proceedings papers, including Kajian Spasial Dampak Perubahan Iklim Terhadap Produksi Pertanian (A spatial analysis of climate change impact on agricultural production); The Survival Strategy of Households Affected by Tidal Floods: The Cases of Two Villages in the Pekalongan Coastal Area; The Study of Food Security in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Strategi Adaptasi Ketahanan Pangan Terhadap Perubahan Iklim di Pinggiran Kota Yogyakarta (Adaptation strategies for food security amid climate change on the outskirts of Yogyakarta City); and Geographic Information System-Based Spatial Analysis of Agricultural Land Suitability in Yogyakarta.
Expertises Agricultural Geography | Environmental Economics | Populations and Socioeconomic Studies
dummy-pict Dr. Tjahyo Nugroho Adji, M.Sc.Tech | adji_tjahyo@ugm.ac.id
Tjahyo Nugroho Adji is a lecturer at the Department of Environmental Geography with a research interest in research related to groundwater in the karst area. The focus of the research he pursued was related to hydrograph analysis dan hydrogeochemical methods and their relationship with rainfall (time-series analysis) to determine the development of a karst area. In addition, he also pursued the approach of hydrogeochemistry and its relation to the groundwater flow nature released by the karst aquifer. Some of the karst areas that have been studied include Gunungsewu karst (Central Java), Rengel karst (East Java), Jonggrangan Karst (Central Java), Gombong Karst (Central Java), Rembang karst (Central Java), karst area in Aceh (Sumatera), and Banggai Island karst (Celebes). Some research results have been published in several well-known international journals, including Acta Carsologica, Carbonates & Evaporates, Geosciences Journal, Environmental Earth Sciences, Environmental Processes, Aquatic Geochemistry, International Journal of Conservation Science, and Arabian Journal of Geosciences.
Expertises Karst hydrology | Hydrogeochemistry | Groundwater
dummy-pict Dr.rer.nat. Djati Mardiatno, M.Si. | djati.mardiatno@ugm.ac.id
Djati Mardiatno is an Associate Professor at the Laboratory of Environmental Geomorphology and Disaster Mitigation, Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, UGM. In addition, he is and was holding several positions at the university, including Secretary of the Master Program on Coastal Area and Watershed Management Planning (MPPDAS), UGM (2009-2015); Head of the Center for Disaster Studies (PSBA) UGM (2013-2018); Head of MPPDAS UGM (2021-2023); UGM Scoutmaster for the Student Scouting Unit (2003-present); and Member of the Supervisory Board of the Higher Education Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (2017-present).
Dr. Mardiatno received the S.Si. (B.Sc.) and M.Si. (M.Sc.) in Physical Geography (Geomorphology) from UGM and the Dr. rer. nat degree from the Institute of Geography, University of Innsbruck (Austria), in 2008, with a dissertation titled “Tsunami Risk Assessment Using Scenario-Based Approach, Geomorphological Analysis, and Geographic Information System”. His research interests are environmental geomorphology, coastal geomorphology, and disaster risk assessment, and his works have been published in books, proceedings papers, and articles in national and international scientific journals.
Dr. Mardiatno is involved in international research collaborations, including TSUNARISQUE (France-Indonesia consortium), GITEWS (German-Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning Systems), RIMSY (the University of Innsbruck and Tirol Province, Austria), CNRD (UGM and ten universities in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America), JSPS-AAPLAT and JST-JICA (Nagoya University Japan and LIPI—now BRIN), Comparative Studies on Mega-earthquakes and Their Aftermaths-Case of Japan, China, and Indonesia (Nagoya University Japan and Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development), and Building Sustainable System for Resilience and Innovation in Coastal Community (SATREPS-JICA, ITB University, and a consortium of various institutions in Indonesia). In addition, he is a member of the Indonesian Geographers Association (IGI), Indonesian Disaster Experts Association (IABI), European Geosciences Union (EGU), and International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG).
Expertises Environmental Geomorphology | Disaster
dummy-pict Dr. Bachtiar W. Mutaqin, S.Kel., M.Sc. | mutaqin@ugm.ac.id
Bachtiar W. Mutaqin is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Geography, UGM. He received a Ph.D. in Physical Geography from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France, in 2018. His research interests include oceanography, marine and coastal geomorphology, and disaster and risk management. Dr. Mutaqin has received numerous international accolades, including the Young Geomorphologist Grants Award from the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) in 2017 in New Delhi (India) and 2019 in Athens (Greece); the French-speaking champion of Ma Thèse en 180s Indonésie 2018 in Poitiers (France); and Prix Mahar Schützenberger from the Franco-Indonesian Association for the Development of Sciences (AFIDES) in 2017 in Paris (France).
Expertises Oceanography | Marine and Coastal Geomorphology | Disaster and Risk Management
dummy-pict Dr. Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, S.Si., M.T., M.Sc. | dyah.hizbaron@ugm.ac.id
Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron is a lecturer at the Faculty of Geography and a researcher at the Disaster Research Center, UGM. She received the S.Si. (B.Sc.) in Regional Development from the Faculty of Geography, UGM, the master’s degrees in Infrastructure and Environmental Planning from the Bandung Institute of Technology and Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands, and the Dr. in Environmental Science from the sandwich program between UGM and the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Her interests focus on disaster studies, particularly vulnerability assessment, urban risk management, ecosystem-based management, and relevant issues in coastal and watershed management planning. Dr. Hizbaron has been actively contributing to several research collaborations with, among others, UNESCAP, UNEP, UNESCO, ProsperNet, Searca, PAIR-Australia-Indonesia Centre, and Center for Natural Resource and Development. Currently, she is the Deputy Dean for Research, Community Services, Cooperation and Alumni of the Faculty of Geography, UGM, for 2021-2026.
Expertises Disaster | Vulnerability | Urban Studies
dummy-pict Dr. Eng. Guruh Samodra, M.Sc. | guruh.samodra@ugm.ac.id
Guruh Samodra received the S.Si. (B.Sc.) and M.Sc. degrees in geography from Universitas Gadjah Mada and Dr. Eng. degree in civil and structural engineering from Kyushu University. He received award of excellence from the Kyushu branch of Japanese Geotechnical Society for his PhD research related to the development of risk analysis technique to geodisaster management. His research focuses on the analysis of geomorphological processes i.e. landslides including inventory, hazard modeling, and prediction. He has published many papers in reputable scientific journals on these topics. He is currently the head of Environmental Geomorphology and Disaster Mitigation Laboratory (2022-2025), Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Expertises Landslide Geomorphology | Hillslope Processes | Geomorphology Data Science
dummy-pict Dr.Sc. Andung Bayu Sekaranom., M.Sc. | andung.geo@ugm.ac.id
Andung Bayu Sekaranom is a lecturer at the Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, UGM. He received the S.Si. (B.Sc.) degree from the Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, UGM (2007-2011), the M.Sc. in Geography at the same faculty (2011-2014), and the Dr. Sc. degree from the Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Research Center (currently, the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research), Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Japan (2015-2018). His published works in international journals and conferences are related to extreme rain, climate change, and community adaptation. These include more than 25 Google scholar publications, 280 citations, and an H-index of 8. He is a member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU), and ASEAN Hydroclimatic Data Center (AHC). He is also part of a team of experts for the Center for Disaster Studies (PSBA) and Center for Environmental Studies (PSLH), UGM, and in water resource and disaster studies from the district to the national level and has provided numerous training programs to professionals in government organizations from the local to ministerial level and the private sectors.
Expertises Hydrometeorology | Water Resources | Disaster
dummy-pict Ratih Fitria Putri, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. | ratihfitria.putri@ugm.ac.id
Ratih Fitria Putri, born in Jakarta on June 26, 1985, is a lecturer at the Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, UGM. She received the S.Si. (B.Sc.) in Geography from the Faculty of Geography, UGM, in 2007 and the M.Sc. degree from the Joint Master Program on Coastal Area and Watershed Management Planning, Faculty of Geography, UGM, and Chiba University (Japan) in 2011. In 2014, she completed her doctorate with a Cum Laude predicate and was recognized as the first excellent student at the Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science, Chiba University, for her research entitled “Monitoring and analysis of land subsidence and landslide hazard using differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar data observed with TerraSAR -X and ALOS PALSAR”. This research was supported by the dissertation scholarship scheme offered by the Japan Student Service Organization (JASSO), the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and LPDP. Since 2008, her expertise has been in evaluating land capability, disaster, population, and land conservation. From 2015 to 2018, she received a prestigious fellowship and research award from the Schlumberger Foundation (USA) for her research on land subsidence monitoring in Jakarta. In addition, she was given numerous accolades, including a women's fellowship award from the UNESCO-TWAS-COMSTECH program in 2016 and the 2017 Rising Young Indonesian Researcher Award from the Yarsi Foundation for her research on land subsidence in major cities in Indonesia. In 2019, she was granted two IPRs for the computer program SIBAT, short for Sistem Informasi cerdas untuk edukasi Bahaya Tsunami (smart information system for tsunami hazard education), and the SIBAT Portal. From 2011 to 2021, she produced 49 research articles in Scopus-indexed journals. She also published three books entitled Toward the future of Asia: My Proposal – Best papers of The 1st Asia Future Conference (2013) and Population and Environment (2015). From 2012 to 2014, she was a teaching staff at the Center for International Education (CIRE) at Chiba University, Japan.
Bidang keahlian Natural Resources Management | Land subsidence | Synthetic Aperture RadarSoftware Application
dummy-pict Dr. Djaka Marwasta, M.Si. | jakamar@ugm.ac.id
Djaka Marwasta is a lecturer at the Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, UGM. He received the S.Si. (B.Sc.) in Cartography and Remote Sensing, the M.Si. (M.Sc.) in Environmental Science, and a Dr. in Geography from UGM. He was the Secretary of the UGM Center for Land Resources Studies, Head of the Sub-directorate of Community Services at the UGM Directorate of Community Services, Secretary of the Clinic of Environment and Disaster Mitigation, and is currently the Head of the Center for Settlement, Transmigration, and Border Area Studies, Faculty of Geography, UGM. Dr. Marwasta is an active member of the Forum for Urban Future (Germany and South East Asia) and Urban Research Plaza (Japan-Indonesia). He teaches courses at the Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral levels, including Settlement, Urban Studies and Urbanization, Transportation, Geography Data Analysis Techniques, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Human Geography, Social Environment, and Applied Statistics. His works are published in indexed international proceedings and international and national journals. He is a reviewer for several national and international journals, including the Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement, and grants for research and community service programs. Dr. Marwasta is actively engaged in numerous community services and is a field supervisor for the Community Service Program by PPM UGM. He is the Secretary of the Gadjah Mada Family Cooperative (Kokelgam) after previously holding the supervisory position at the same cooperative for two terms.
Expertises Settlement Geography | Urban Studies and Urbanization | Transportation and Spatial Connectivity Studies
dummy-pict Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Si., M.Sc. | hadmoko@ugm.ac.id
Danang Sri Hadmoko, born in Sleman on May 29, 1980, is a teaching staff at the Laboratory of Environmental Geomorphology and Disaster Mitigation, Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, UGM. He received the S.Si. (B.Sc.) in Geography from the Faculty of Geography, UGM (2002) and the M.Sc. degree from the Institute de Géographie, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France, (2005-2006), for which he was granted the Best Thesis. He graduated from the doctoral program at the Ecole Doctorale de Géographie, Unversité Paris 1, Panthéon Sorbonne, France (2006-2009), with a Summa Cum Laude predicate. From 2010 to 2012, Dr. Hadmoko was an associate researcher at the Laboratoire de Geographie Physique, UMR 8591, CNRS – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. From 2012 to 2015, as an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Department of Geography, College of Sciences, University of Canterbury, he developed numerous research collaborations and joint publications, taught several courses, examined theses and dissertations, and supervised doctoral students. During his career as a lecturer, Dr. Hadmoko has personally and institutionally collaborated with 51 international scholars from 10 countries, including France, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, New Zealand, India, Japan, the United States, Hungary, Singapore, and Australia. Of the total research collaborations, 46 articles are published in Scopus-indexed, internationally acknowledged journals, with 735 citations and an H-Index of 12. Some of his research collaborations in the field of Disaster and Volcanoes involve researchers from France, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Indonesia, and the United States. He received numerous international accolades, including the Young Geomorphologist Award “Jean-Trichardt Award” from the Français Géomorphologues Group and the International Association of Geomorphologists at the International Conference on Geomorphology – Geomorphology and Sustainability, Paris, France (August 27-31, 2013). Also, Dr. Hadmoko is currently a visiting scientist at the University of Kobe, Japan (2022).
Expertises Geomorphology of Disasters | Volcanic Geomorphology | Landslide
dummy-pict Dr. Lintang Nur Fadlillah, M.Sc. | lintang.n.f@ugm.ac.id
Lintang Nur Fadlillah, born in Sleman on February 23, 1993, is the eldest of three siblings. She grew up, studied, and completed her doctorate in Yogyakarta. Dr. Fadlillah received her primary education at SD Muh Purwodiningratan 2 YK (1999-2005), secondary education at SMPN 5 Yogyakarta (2005-2008) and SMAN 1 Yogyakarta (2008-2011), and tertiary education at an undergraduate program at the Faculty of Geography, UGM (2011-2015). Through the PMDSU acceleration program (short for Program Magister menuju Doktor untuk Sarjana Unggul—Master to Doctoral Program for Superior Undergraduates) offered by the Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, she received the M.Sc. in Geography from the Master Program on Coastal Area and Watershed Management Planning (2015-2017) and the Dr. in Environmental Geography from the Faculty of Geography, UGM (2017-2020). During her doctoral program, she was granted a Sandwich-Like Program Scholarship at Seoul National University, South Korea, for one semester to conduct her research as part of the acceleration program. She is a lecturer at the Faculty of Geography, UGM (since December 2020) and a researcher at the Environmental Hydrology and Climatology Laboratory. Her research focuses on hydrology, with special interests in surface hydrology, water quality modeling, sediment modeling and quality, and the hydrology of lakes, deltas, and estuaries. In addition to science, she has also developed an enthusiasm for nature and culture.).
Expertises Lake Hydrology | Water Quality and Sediment Modeling | Hydrology of Deltas dan Estuaries
dummy-pict Mukhamad Ngainul Malawani, S.Si., M.Sc. | malawani@ugm.ac.id
Mukhamad Ngainul Malawani is a researcher at the Faculty of Geography, UGM, and a member of the Laboratoire Gegraphie de Physique, Univ Paris 1 - CNRS. His research focuses on geomorphology, coastal geomorphology, watershed management, and hazard mitigation. Some current projects are in the fields of landscape evolution, volcanography, and paleoenvironment).
Expertises Geomorphology | Natural hazards
dummy-pict Utia Suarma, S.Si., M.Sc. | utiasuarma@ugm.ac.id
Utia Suarma is one of the teaching staff at the Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, UGM. She is an alumnus of the Master Program on Geo-information for Spatial Planning and Disaster Management (https://geoinfo.pasca.ugm.ac.id/en/), which is a sub-program of the Environmental Science Department at the Graduate School of UGM. Suarma received the S.Si. (B.Sc.) in Physical Geography from the Faculty of Geography, UGM. Her scientific and community service-related works focus on climate change adaptation, hydroclimatology, and hydrometeorological disasters such as floods, tornadoes, and extreme weather. She has been part of the Faculty’s Office of International Affairs since 2017 and is currently the head. Suarma is also involved in many international collaborations, including student and teacher exchanges, short-term student and lecturer visits, collaborative studies, and publications with lecturer partners or practitioners abroad. In addition, she has been contributing to research and curriculum development/MOOC in recent years, including Up-Scaling Community Resilience through Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction/Eco-DRR with UNEP (2019-2020) and Disaster Education for integrating SFDRR and SDG in Asia with ProSPER.Net (2020-2021) and studies entitled Polycentric Approaches to the Management of Urban Water Resources in South-East Asia/Polyurbwater with BORDA e.V. (2021-2025) and Impact Based Forecasting and Warning Services in collaboration with the World Bank, BMKG (Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics), and the UGM Gama-Inatek Team (2022)..
Expertises Climate Change Adaptation | Hydroclimatology